How to get to Chefchaouen from Casablanca

Looking to plan a trip to Morocco? Want to take a getaway to the incredible Blue City, Chefchaouen? You’ve found the right place! Find the three easiest ways to get from Chefchaouen from Casablanca.

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Is chefchaouen worth visiting?

Absolutely! Though the town is a bit out of the way from the easily accessible cities and towns on the rail line, Chefchaouen is still worth a 2-3 day visit. However if you have a quick trip perhaps skipping the Blue City from something easier to get to would be a better fit. 

Keep in mind, too, that Chefchaouen is becoming a tourist attraction with the old medina full of shops selling the same sort of merchandise. It doesnโ€™t take away from the beauty of the city but it does make it feel less local than it did just a few years ago.

How to get to Chefchaouen from Casablanca

There are 3 main ways to get to the famous Blue City from Casablanca: rail and taxi, public bus, and private transfer. With each youโ€™ll pay more for convenience and ease but all will get you to Chefchaouen. 

Getting to Chefchaouen by rail (sort of)

You canโ€™t take the train directly to Chefchaouen from Casablanca. In fact, there is no rail option into the town. But you can take the train to Tangier and then a taxi the remaining 2 hours to Chefchaouen. Hereโ€™s how that works:

First, youโ€™ll need to take the high speed train (Al Boraq train) from Casablanca to Tangier. The train ride is about 2 hours and costs between $11-21 USD depending on your class of service. There are 5 daily departures to Tangier but be sure to book your ticket in advance as the train does sell out. 

Travel Tip! My favorite way to buy train tickets in advance is Omio. Buy your train tickets online with the easy to navigate app and QR code tickets. 

Once in Tangier you have a few options to get to Chefchaouen but the easiest is hiring a taxi to take you on the 2-hour drive. Itโ€™s very important you negotiate your price before getting in the taxi but it should cost you no more than $70 USD. If you have more time you could take the public bus from Tangier to Chefchaouen but it might be easier to just do that from Casablanca instead.

Getting to Chefchaouen by bus

There is one bus that runs daily from Casablanca to Chefchaouen. The bus schedule is always the same, starting at 1:30 pm and arriving in Chefchaouen around 8:00 pm. The ride takes about 6.5 hours in an air conditioned bus with space for your baggage. 

The cost of the bus is around $19 USD for the journey, far cheaper than a private transfer and the rail but you will have a much longer journey. To book your bus ticket you can do so through the CTM website or at the bus station. 

There are 2 CTM stations in Casablanca to board the bus, too. One near the city center and another near the train station. 

Getting to Chefchaouen by private transfer

The most convenient and expensive method to get to the Blue City is with a private transfer. A transfer will cost you around $200-300 USD per car with door to door service. The good news is a private transfer is by the car and not per person so you can easily split the cost if youโ€™re traveling with a group. 

Booking a private transfer can be as simple as booking online. But you can also ask your hotel about making arrangements with their recommendations, too.

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