Why I’m Quitting to Backpack Europe (February Update)

Let me start by backing up. Europe for Free’s original idea was for my husband and I to go to Europe while we sold our house and moved. Mainly, we planned on moving closer to our parents and use Europe for Free as an opportunity to bridge a gap. I always intended to quit my job for our move. However, fast forward a year later and my husband has a new job and some freelance work in the area making considerably more money than we ever thought possible… and well, we’re not moving. For now, at least. But, I’m still quitting my job to go to Europe.

But, why?

A couple months ago I posted a story on my quarter-life crisis. In summary, Life Half Full was created at one of the lowest points of my life. In my full-time job I’ve been in a professional rut for years now that has morphed into a complete personal breakdown, too. I haven’t been growing for years now and recently I’ve barely been treading water. And, I’ve stayed in my position for so long because I honestly don’t know what to do next.

As someone who is and has always been a high achiever, quitting without an alternative plan just felt wrong and, frankly, very irresponsible. Though I know this position was never my endgame or even a career field I wanted to be in much longer, leaving with no real path forward seemed like giving up. These feelings were so present that I even went so far as to ask if I can continue to work in the job I despise remotely while on the trip and come back. Yes, I asked to stay in a job I hated. They said no. And, I’m incredibly relieved.

So, my forthcoming unemployment is definitely my choice by choosing to take a trip of a lifetime instead of keeping the job I hate. It surely was an, “it’s me or them” Meredith Blake Parent Trap moment and I chose my happiness even if it means more ramen lunches in our future. And, as relieved as it makes me to think I won’t have to have to go to this miserable job anymore, it’s so fucking scary to think in a little over two months I won’t have a job and I don’t know what the hell I’m doing with the next chapter of my life. Seriously, what am I thinking?

Unemployed Europe for Free

So what does all this mean for Europe for Free?

For one, I’ve called American Airlines and shortened this trip back to the original goal of four weeks. Mostly because Ukraine might be an active war zone. But, this would also be better for us financially.

Fortunately most our large expenses are free and booked (hence Europe for Free). Which ensures our out-of-pocket trip expenses will be low. I don’t think it will make the trip any less entertaining but it might mean a couple more grocery store meals along the way.

Finally, I think being unemployed is going to make the trip far more liberating for me. I can solely focus on Life Half Full and my Instagram account during the trip. I’m looking forward to focusing my attention to this project and I hope to grow my Instagram and blog traffic during this time. This might be the push I need to become a full-time budget travel blogger.

Less Important News

I briefly mentioned this but Ukraine is basically off the table due to Russia’s eminent invasion. As someone who studied abroad there I’m really bummed. I was looking forward to heading back to a country that- even if I was a stupid teenager at the time – inspired my love for travel. Now that we’ve shortened the trip I have to change some logistical components but fortunately Ukraine was supposed to be our first stop, making it a pretty easy change and not a logistical nightmare.

Now we’re working on some logistical components, like who will watch our dog. It makes the trip seem really real which is exciting but I’m also super nervous having a group of people I don’t know follow along on this adventure. It’s a lot of responsibility and accountability for an introvert. I’ve developed a bit of imposter syndrome and this trip brings up a lot of fears about sharing my journey with you. But we’ve got this!

Want to buy me a coffee?

Did you know you can buy me a coffee? I’m soon-to-be unemployed, so here’s a shameless plug for my Buy Me a Coffee account, where you can donate a couple dollars and continue to support my work. Buy Me a Coffee keeps my accounts free and open to the public and it ensures I can keep those pesky ads off Life-Half-Full.com.

Explore on. -K

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